Due diligence on investors is an essential step in the investment process. It gives http://dataroomnote.com/what-factors-make-one-data-room-better-than-the-other/ investors the chance to review a startup's finances and documents in order to evaluate risk before deciding whether or not to invest in the company. A well-organized data room can accelerate the process, decrease the risk of miscommunication or miscommunication, and boost investor confidence.
This article will highlight a few of the basic things all startups should have prepared prior to pitching to investors.
Investor Updates
Investor updates are a great way to show investors that you're still executing on your plan and making progress towards your goals, especially in the beginning stages of fundraising. This will allow them to understand how far you've come since your last meeting and can create trust.
IP Assets
Angels and Venture Capitalists are often interested in the intellectual property of a company and can play a major factor in its value. Showcase your IP by including trademarks, patent filings, and other pertinent data points, even if they're not directly connected to the product that you're working on.
Cap Table
A clear table of your cap-table tells potential investors what percentage of ownership you hold, and how it is broken into pieces. It's recommended to include your articles of association, which will provide legal background to the structure of your business.